Family Reunion

Do you live in Switzerland and would like to bring your family to Switzerland? Ask the immigration office in your municipality of residence about the formalities and the necessary documents.

Further information under this link


Registration for school

If your children are already of school age or about to start school, contact your local authority or the head of the school. They will take care of the registration procedure and provide you with information on how everyday school life is organised.

Information on the school system in the canton of Valais can be found under this link (


Registration for childcare, day structure, babysitter

If you need childcare or would like your child to attend a play or forest play group, please contact your local authority. They are responsible for the services on site.

Link to the overview of childcare offer  (

Here you will find the range of play and forest play groups in Upper Valais: Link to the play groups

If you only need a babysitter for in between, you will find the following offers:
Babysitter in the canton of Valais
Babysitter placement Red Cross Valais


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